
Current fallout 4 version
Current fallout 4 version

  • Run the game and check if the problem persists.
  • Tick the Windowed Mode box and enable Borderless.
  • We recommend enabling the borderless mode because it can potentially fix any black screen issues. This is a very common fix for black screen errors in many different games. Playing in borderless window mode has helped many users fix the Fallout 4 black screen issue.
  • Apply the settings and launch the game.
  • Select a version of Windows older than your own.
  • Checkmark the box “Run this Program in Compatible mode for” under the compatibility mode.
  • Right-click on the Fallout 4 executable file and select properties.
  • Follow these steps to enable the compatibility mode for Fallout 4.

    current fallout 4 version

    Running Fallout 4 in compatibility mode could also fix the Fallout 4 black screen issue. We recommend you try this method out and see if it resolves the black screen error before jumping to other solutions. Doing this will also improve your performance and overall gameplay experience. You might be able to fix your Fallout 4 black screen issue by installing the game on the same drive. Install Fallout 4 and Steam on the same drive Hopefully, by following these steps, you’ll be back to exploring the post-apocalyptic city of Boston in no time.

    current fallout 4 version

    How to fix the Fallout 4 Black Screen Issue?īelow we have compiled 11 of the best methods for troubleshooting black screen errors in Fallout 4. How to Check Which GPU an Application is Using.Install Fallout 4 and Steam on the same drive.How to fix the Fallout 4 Black Screen Issue?.

    Current fallout 4 version